Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Today LIT we like went crazy?! Mrs Koh didn't come today so some BB teacher took over. He made us sit on the floor, stand up, sit on the floor than sit on the chair. What logic is that 0.o He's abit crazy. Me and Michelle went to the locker to take Skellig as we forgot and he had to write a letter saying

"Permission from name. 13/09/06"

Its just going locker. And when we came back, he asked for the paper back. Err that paper has only 3 words and 6 letters. Can easily write again right.

After that we had to move to learn @ fairfield. Xuening took Michelle's pencil box. Then at L@F Michelle than realised that her pencil box was missing. i was laughing my ass off? haaaa

Xuening and Michelle than went to PA to look for it. When they left, Weizheng pass me the pencil box and i put it in Michelle's bag. Michelle went in the PA herself and she was so embarassed when she couldn't find the pencil case. We were laughing the hell out during LIT. And i only managed to do 1 question. -.-

Mrs Tan postponed the Home Econs Test. Apparently, many did not know there was a test. And i like slogged my brains out and studied everything. The test will be on Friday. I think by the time i will forget everything? well i hope not

After school, Kylie Dorcas Charmaine Liyan Weizheng Huiqing and Me went to dover. But we went seperate ways as they were going to Weizheng's house and Huiqing and I didn't want to go so we went to Hian Ling & Park. Spend the whole day at these 2 places.

At the park was super duper funny. Daniel got whacked by the ball by god knows how many times. And Marcus Ngeow was also funny. He just stand there and the he blocked the goal by doing nothing? He didn't even know the ball was going to him, it just hit him haaaaa. Many Many other things happened haa.

Me & Huiqing went back to Hian Ling. And guess who I saw. FREDERICK CHONG!. he dyed his hair again. well, i preferred his previous hairstyle. I didn't say hi to him. But when i walked him I looked at him and he looked at me and I look down. I duno why I did that but after all that has happened last time, I dun feel good. I wished i had said hello. If I see him again, I think i will say hello. Maybe i will back out last minute. Not sure, lets wait for that day to come.


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